I drove my truck two days ago for the first time in four months. I do still have a good right leg and good right hand, so as long as I was able to get up into the cab I could drive. The floor to the cab is quite high, at least two feet off…
Category: Uncategorized
Small But Significant Victories
Early in the morning yesterday, before getting out of bed, it came to me that it was going to be a wonderful day. As someone who believes that all good gifts come from God, I had to believe that the positive “vibe” had come from Him. Our plans for the day were simply to go…
Stroke Recovery update – May 15
Outpatient physical and occupational therapy ended on Friday of this past week, but that doesn’t mean therapy is done. For about one week after being discharged from the hospital on March 6th we had in-home therapy. After that we began outpatient therapy, three days per week. That’s over now. But the work continues at home….
Stroke Recovery Update – May 7 2024
This may be a short post. There is not a whole lot I can report as progress, though the therapists tell me that they can see improvement at each session. I live in this fragile body, though, and can’t see it as it happens. It’s sort of like watching the face of a clock. You…
Stroke Recovery Update – April 27, 2024
My last update was exactly two weeks ago, on April 13. That post was focused primarily on use of my left leg, and walking. Since then I have been walking exclusively with a hemi walker. My steps are slow and measured, but I’m walking, not riding in a wheelchair. We have, in fact given the…
Recovery Update – April 13 2024
A week ago I wrote that I was up in a walker and no longer in a wheelchair. The walker I was referring to is called a platform walker – just a standard walker except it has a “platform” for my left forearm attached to the left handle. It provides stability and allows me to…
My stroke – Aftermath and Recovery
After the stroke I spent 25 days in the hospital, thee days in ICU and a bit more than three weeks in inpatient rehab. I longed to be home with Laura with my own property about me; with my own dog Max and with my own TV with the channels I normally watch. But before…
The Great West Point Food Fight
The Cadet Mess Hall at West Point is a beautiful stone building, bedecked with the flags of each state, priceless portraits of each academy Superintendent (including the likes of Robert E. Lee and William Westmoreland) and a hand painted mural on the wall of one of the wings. The Cadet Mess was one of my…